If your child is having difficulties in school, talk to his or her teacher. You and your child's teacher will work together to determine specific strategies that will support your student's success in school. If further interventions are needed, your child may be considered for Academic Intervention Services (AIS).
Academic Intervention Services are available for students in grades K - 6 who need additional academic support.
Students whose participation is determined in their performance on New York State or local assessments will begin receiving services in the semester following administration of the assessment(s). They will continue receiving services until they have demonstrated improved capacity to meet the New York State standards. This can be accomplished by achieving a level 3 on a state assessment, reading at or near grade level, or teacher recommendation.
Communication between school and home is a very important part of the program. The communication plan includes the following:
If you or the school suspect that your child may have a disability that significantly impacts educational performance and requires special education intervention, a referral can be made to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) for your child to be evaluated. This will be done by the Penfield Central School District, as SJS is located within this school district. Please contact the school office for more information.